South Indian actress Samantha is busy promoting her new movie Shakunthalam. For this, Samantha’s look when she came to Kochi attracted attention. Banarasi saree was the role of the actor. Samantha looked gorgeous in a cream color saree with pure kota silk, barasi cut, and zari border.
The pattern of the birds is proud of the saree. The price of the saree is Rs 13,800. Samantha has shown the fashion world many times before how to present a saree that is full of simplicity in appearance. It was repeated in Kochi as well.
The actor followed his signature high style with minimal soft glam makeup, basic mascara, and eyeliner. Accessorize with statement earrings and rings.
Directed by Gunasekhar, Shakunthalam also stars Dev Mohan in the lead role. Shakunthalam is Allu Arjun’s daughter Arha’s first film. Content Summary: Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Elegant Look in Banarasi Saree