Actor Rohit Raaj recently wrapped up shooting for his second feature film titled ‘Super Woman,’ which is being produced by Golden Ratio Films. The movie is helmed by the renowned director Zaigham Imam and features a talented cast including Meera Chopra, Tigmanshu Dhulia, Poonam Dhillon, and Saanand Verma. ‘Super Woman’ revolves around the subject of asexuality, which refers to the lack of interest or desire for any form of sexual activity. With only 1% or less of the global population identifying as asexual, this concept remains unfamiliar to many.
Expressing his excitement about the project, Rohit shared, “It was an absolute delight working alongside Tigmanshu Dhulia ji, Poonam Dhillon, and Meera Chopra. The film explores a unique and interesting concept related to asexuality, aiming to provide knowledge and awareness to the audience. In the movie, I am paired opposite Meera’s character.”
Reflecting on the significance of working on a film that addresses a social issue, Rohit remarked, “As an actor, it’s a blessing in disguise to be a part of projects like this as my second venture. It’s crucial to act in films that allow an actor to showcase their talent and avoid feeling underutilized. Movies like ‘Super Woman’ focus more on the art and creative aspects of filmmaking, making it a delightful experience to be involved.”
Rohit also expressed his admiration for director Zaigham Imam and the valuable lessons learned while working with him. He shared, “Zaighamji is an exceptionally talented director who made the whole experience enjoyable and enriching. He provided me with the freedom to explore my character and skills on set, resulting in the best possible outcome on screen. The film will portray a beautiful story that will captivate audiences.”
Rohit’s debut film, ‘Mystery of the Tattoo,’ boasts an impressive cast including Arjun Rampal, Manoj Joshi, Daisy Shah, and Ameesha Patel. In this crime thriller, Rohit portrays a barrister who unravels a 20-year-old murder case using his sharp intellect and the assistance of the police.
Currently in the post-production phase, ‘Super Woman’ is set to be released soon, offering audiences an engaging and thought-provoking cinematic experience.