Meet Artist Shraddha Sonkar, A passionate artist from Varanasi


The Job of the artist is always to deepen The mystery.”
Art doesn’t have to be dull, to be effective

The Artist does not have to be a bore, to be real. An Artist is a person engaged in a activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or an demonstrating an art.

Shraddha Sonkar, a rising and preprocesing sensation from uttar Pradesh, Varanasi was born on 19 March, 1995. She showed a deep interest in art and painting from early age.

She inspired by her mother Mrs. Neelam rani. Her mother playes a vitial role to support Shraddha. She is role model to her because what so ever Shraddha learn in her life whether its personal or professional the credit gose to Shraddha’s mother Mrs. Neelam Rani She is a wonderful mother as well as her teacher also – Shraddha is a character of introvert from there her painting went on. she started draw random things .

She believes that every child is an artist,
The problem is how to remain an Artist

Shraddha feels that hard work and dedication pays off . Shraddha ignites to prove Her mettle and make her mother immensely proud. She aims to be in a position to show herself omong everyone. Shraddha believes that what so ever she learned is to herself, no one believed that yes, she never had any pofersional degres like M.F.A, B.F.A.

& By passing years she qualified 10,12th, B.A. M.A In Englieh , NTT Or BEd through reputed University in Varanasi. From 2012 besides her study she try to give some time to drawing, but she wasn’t able to do so because of study, semester exams and than 2016 she get a chance to show her talent in art exhibition [ shadow ]

Without any professional trying she painted marvelous landscape for exhibition. This was the first time her dream come true to became an artist. People and media started knows her as Artist Shraddha Sonkar.

After passing years she started her career as an Youtuber where she posts her art videos and tutorials.


  • 2017 she awarded her first national level award for her painting [ infinity ]
  • 2018 she awarded 2nd national level award for live sketching by IIT BHU
    During Khashiyatra2018
  • 2019 Her painting [ Ganesha & Missing Soul Exhibited in Delhi and very much appreciated by artist and writer (Amit dutt)
  • At same year her biography and art works Published in a book (ART & ARTIST ) with 51 more Indian senior artist Book Editor – VK GHARU INDIAN ARTIST
  • 2020 Again she received 3rd national level award by BHU IIT FOR PAINTING During Kashiyatra2020
  • Same year 2nd book launched on amazon “My Pastel Collection by Shraddha Sonkar”.

Her art works well appreciated by Gaurav juyal Art Attack show host on Disney channel. Now beside her education she is a well known Artist founder of successful YouTube channel ( Art Amaze). Now she is a professional Artist, Teacher, YouTuber and author.

Now, Shraddha continues to Practice and upload her art videos. as well as her YouTube channel. Her followers frequently request her to make their sketches , pictures and drawing and gladly she dose.

Quotes by Shraddha Sonkar

  • Erase the option of (give up) and you will achieve what you want sooner or later.
  • Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without Losing your temper or self Confidence.