Khushbu Kumari Jha says rapid technological advancement is creating a bigger gap between two groups of employees


Khushbu Kumari Jha, a 23 years old entrepreneur, mother and a home maker says that due to the sudden speed in the technical advancements in this era of digital evolution, the gap between the technical and not technical group of employees in a company is getting big enough to be covered up in the near future. She says that every technical company has different departments and not all department consists of programmers, Engineers and technicians. Some department consists of people who deal with accounts, management, marketing and similar tasks. However, every section works in perfect sync so that the company can run well.
Khushbu also said, in today’s world technology is emerging at a very rapid pace especially in the web based companies, and as a result, the technical people need to spend few hours everyday for the upgradation of their knowledge in order to survive in the industry. But, what about the non-technical people? They still remain with the knowledge provided during the training and not all of them are able to upgrade by themselves. The company takes least interest in updating the non-technical department about technical advancements. This breaks the sync and employees feel frustrated.

Being the co-founder and HR director of News247plus, Khushbu Kumari Jha says she faced a lot of trouble managing the non-technical team who used the technical interface which had technical instructions. Things turned good when the complete population has been technically trained and now, we provide the update training to all irrespective of the department.

Born on July 11th, 1998, Khushbu Kumari Jha is a young Entrepreneur who besides being the co-founder of News247plus is also the Chief Advisor of Webnext Labs. Her huband, Amit Kumar Jha is also one of the Co-Founder of News247Plus & Founder of Webnext Labs She is the eldest daughter of Mr. Hem Kant Thakur and Smt. Sudhira Devi. In spite of being a Sociology Graduate, she holds a strong knowledge of various programming languages, management skills web development and Journalism.