In a devastating incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, a building in Loni’s Roop Nagar, Ghaziabad, collapsed following an LPG cylinder explosion, resulting in the loss of innocent lives and injuries to several individuals. The incident unfolded on a fateful Saturday, leaving three child laborers dead and four women hospitalized. As the investigation continues, details have emerged about the supply chain of materials related to illegal firecracker manufacturing, shedding light on the dire consequences of unregulated activities.
Arrests Made in Connection to Illegal Firecracker Materials
Ghaziabad police swiftly responded to the tragedy, taking crucial steps to unravel the chain of events that led to the building collapse. They arrested a 44-year-old man from Farrukhnagar, identified as Vikas Goel, for his involvement in the supply of materials used in the production of illegal firecrackers. Goel had allegedly provided these materials to the tenant of the ill-fated building, Mohammad Shariq, 22, who was already in police custody.
The Tragic Sequence of Events
The incident was a harrowing chain of events triggered by an LPG cylinder explosion that occurred during work at Shariq’s rented building. The explosion ignited the firecrackers and explosives stored within the premises, resulting in severe burns and injuries to those present at the site. Regrettably, three child laborers, Alisha, Alina, and Imran, succumbed to their injuries on the same day, marking a heart-wrenching loss. Four other individuals, including women and teenagers, suffered injuries and are currently receiving treatment at GTB Hospital in Delhi.
Unveiling the Illegal Firecracker Nexus
Subsequent investigations have uncovered a disturbing nexus of illegal firecracker production. Shariq, the tenant of the building, was found to be involved in the unlawful manufacturing of firecrackers, employing children and unskilled women without proper licenses or safety measures. The building itself served as a storage facility for materials related to this illegal activity.
Farrukhnagar’s History with Fireworks Manufacturing
Farrukhnagar, a nearby area to Roop Nagar, was once home to approximately 200 traditional manufacturing units specializing in conventional fireworks. However, in response to legal directives aimed at reducing pollution levels, district officials chose not to renew the licenses of these units. This decision came after the Supreme Court’s order in October 2018, which mandated the use of “green firecrackers” with lower emissions and sound levels during Diwali celebrations.
A Complex Investigation Unfolds
Vikas Goel, the arrested material supplier, reportedly owned multiple shops and business establishments in Farrukhnagar and stocked materials used in firecracker production. During questioning, Goel revealed that he sourced some of these materials from a significant supplier in Haryana. As the investigation deepens, authorities are working to obtain further information from Goel, with the aim of apprehending individuals who purchased materials from him.
This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with unregulated and illegal activities, especially in industries where safety measures and compliance are paramount. As the affected families grieve and the injured continue their journey to recovery, the authorities are committed to uncovering the entire network of those involved in this devastating event.
The Ghaziabad community, as well as the broader region, now awaits justice and action to prevent such heartbreaking incidents from occurring in the future.