Thursday, January 16, 2025
HomeEntertainmentAnimkiiPanesseX 's songs arrive at the hearts of millions around the world

AnimkiiPanesseX ‘s songs arrive at the hearts of millions around the world

AnimkiiPanesseX was born and raised in Canada and was highly influenced by music as a child. As he grew older he started to perform in family events and later performed on stage for his university.

His passion for music started to reach beyond his city, through youtube and social media platforms such as Instagram and was noticed and launched by one of the top music labels of Canada.

Throughout AnimkiiPanesseX’s life, he has been inspired by many artists. While attending the college, AnimkiiPanesseX performed for his university for a few events and has always been attached to music in some way throughout his life.

Regardless of his studies or work schedule, he would find time for his passion which is now Rewarding him greatly with love from his fans and well-wishers worldwide.

After his latest hit track “Knives N Guns” AnimkiiPanesseX’s fans are eagerly waiting on his next release, and he has assured them that there are many projects lined up and that they will be hearing them very soon.

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His passion for music has rewarded him greatly with a large fan base which is growing larger by the day and his fans are looking forward to many more of his fresh tunes to be added to their playlist.

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