Artist Suman Prasad’s Quarantine Contest Unleashes Potential


With the Covid-19 pandemic still on the rise the government-imposed lockdown has also been extended. While this lockdown is crucial for our wellbeing as a nation it has also changed how we live and define life. Uncertainty and fear have taken a toll on the human spirit. 

To combat feelings of agitation and restlessness among citizens of Jamshedpur I, Suman Prasad, an artist, came up with an idea to conduct a free online competition named #QuarantineContest. Our competition comprises four categories; dance, poetry, music and art.

My team and I believe that every individual has untapped potential and hidden talents, hence we decided to give all citizens of Jamshedpur a platform to showcase their talents while still in quarantine. We want people to unite for a creative endeavour from the comfort of their homes. 

We brought on board three renowned and highly respected personalities of our city as judges. Dances will be judged by Mr. Inker Kumar, a dance instructor and choreographer. Vocals/music will be judged by Mr. Manash Bhattacharjee, a famed music artist. Mr. Ajitabha Bose, India’s bestselling author, will judge the poetry category while I, Suman Prasad, a nationally acclaimed artist, will judge the art category.  

Within six days of commencement #QuarantineContest received over 100 entries from Jamshedpur and beyond. We are overwhelmed by the response and enthusiasm of participants and the general public. Our initiative is successfully spreading a sense of harmony, strength and courage in such adversity. 

We are thankful to “Khushboo Prasad, director of FlaminArt” for making this contest successful and Jamshedpurian’s Facebook Group admins Tanushree Tiwary and Vinit Singh for their constant support. This collaborative effort has been a humbling experience that we are extremely grateful for.