Anamika Puri looking for a bright future in the field of fashion industry. She’s 23 years old, tall and 5’8 in height with fair complexion. At present she is residing in the National Capital of India “New Delhi”. In the initial years of her graduation period she had started boosting her career by becoming a part of some fashion event organizations and had performed various stage shows.

Her only outlook is that she could get herself featured in the best possible manner in some international magazines where she can showcase her capability and potential. She possesses a growth mindset and keeps harnessing her presentation skills to become the perfect match for the profile which she is seeking for. Fashion Industry is something which is her lifeline and this is the field which she is meant for.

Boasting about your credentials without proving your worth is not something which anamika puri would ever prefer.
She dedicates maximum hours of her 24*7 life shaping her body and follows the strict diet on a stretch of 365 days to do justice with the projects she is involved with.

We have taken the initiative of promoting various aspiring young models in my career but this persona possesses some different vibes which can enthrall all who come in contact to her.

This is the sole reason behind promoting her on this exquisite platform which will boom her career path and will add some glory to the fashion world.

The modern world witnesses numerable charming and mesmerizing female models’ faces every now and then or to be précised, in the blink of an eye and here I am introducing one such face which is mind numbing and do justice with the poses, camera angles and the product being featured.

She is the one who holds the charismatic as well as flamboyant or glamorous personality which speaks for itself. Her stylishness, confidence and will power can wash anyone ashore. . Here is her portfolio along with this article and assure that she could be the actual fit for the relevant tasks or performances.

It’s just a mere preface of her life book and in case if any firm takes interests to make her prove that she is the perfect example of the epitome of beauty with charm and glory then here are her contact

Her perspective for the life is as bright as the stars twinkling above in the sky. Here I end my words and let her action speaks.